CBD offers some amazing benefits, but its cousin THC can cause problems for some people. THC is the chemical compound found in cannabis plants responsible for that classic “high” one gets from smoking weed. Not everyone likes this feeling, and some people are even allergic to THC. Not to mention, it’s still federally illegal.
We’ve removed all traces of THC from these products
Even if our products did contain THC, they need to have less than 0.3%. However, at 0.3%, that trace amount of THC is still in your system, which means there’s a *very slim) chance it could show up on a drug test. Why take the chance? Our line of THC Free CBD products have been completely stripped of ALL THC.
What is a CBD Isolate?
A CBD Isolate is a product that’s been formulated to contain nothing but CBD. No additional cannabinoids or terpenes, no flavonoids, just a carrier and pure CBD. For our THC Free CBD Oil, we use organic MCT oil as the carrier oil.